Demo permits, Downtowner and more

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What's happening...

(ACC - Aspen City Council, BOCC - Pitkin Board of County Commissioners)

šŸ›  Deconstructing demolition allotments: ACC will revisit the well-intended program to consider whether it's meeting its goals or if artificially reducing the supply of demo permits has created the unintended consequence of increasing the demand. Demolition allotments have become a valuable commodity causing some owners to apply for an allotment even when they have no immediate plans to use them. When there was no limit on the number of demolitions, applications averaged 6 per year. With 4 remaining allotments for 2024, there are 15 applications.

šŸšŒ More macro service for micro transit: ACC considers options for expansion to hours of operation and service area for the Downtowner. Survey respondents suggested Mountain Valley, Cemetery Lane, and North 40 for expanded service.

šŸ  Who's tracking workforce housing needs? A staff memo outlines what role APCHA plays in collecting housing data that should quantify what the overall workforce housing need is and how the current inventory is being utilized.

šŸ½ Lunch break: the Wheeler Opera House's subsidized restaurant tenant, Aspen Public House, requests a modification to its lease that no week-day lunch service be required.

šŸ”„ Wildfire whack-a-mole: ACC will hear staff's progress on wildfire related code updates and guidelines for ignition resistant design to bolster wildfire resiliency.

šŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Who wants to operate the Armory? The city issued a Request For Proposal for operator services for the to-be-remodeled Armory Hall. ACC next discusses the Armory on March 12th.

Long Range Calendar

ACC Work Session - March 4th:

  • REMP Program and Heat Tape
  • City Charter Reading/Review
  • City Council Norms and Working Agreements

ACC Regular Meeting - March 12th:

  • Armory Hall: Remodel and Reuse, Design Contract

BOCC Work Session - March 6th:

  • Joint meeting with Opens Space & Trails - Brush Creek to AABC Trail review
  • APCHA Policies Update and Discussion

What can you do?

šŸ“ Public comment: Share your comments and feedback with ACC at, and/or the BOCC using this form.

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Jamie Larson